For the past four days I have been in northland enjoying the hospitality and company of my friends,, Collin and Diane Brown. They are WWOOF [world wide opportunities on organic farms] hosts. This means they take in people from overseas who work for their food and lodging. Collin, who has lived in the area for over 30 years, says he has had over 600 woofers.
I have been introducing Di to the iPad and she has been having much fun. We have recorded a song and it’s great with lots of vocal layering.
Yesterday we went to Waitangi, the founding place of modern New Zealand, and wandered around. Walked around the meeting house and went to a cultural performance. Di, a mystic, talked to allthe trees and said she saw fairies around. We went to James Busby’s house and took lots of photos.
This afternoon, Di showed me her personal space where she keeps her things and can go away to be by herself. Collin has created a nice little place for her that has been called a palace.
Tomorrow I go home and I don’t much want to. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Kaeo this trip and hope to be back soon.

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