[vimeo 84443652 w=500 h=281]
[vimeo 84443652 w=500 h=281] My Life from Mara Kelland on Vimeo. This is a photo montage from 1988-present. I was a premmature baby and there are photos of my graduation etc. (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)
[vimeo 84443652 w=500 h=281] My Life from Mara Kelland on Vimeo. This is a photo montage from 1988-present. I was a premmature baby and there are photos of my graduation etc. (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)
[vimeo 84290340 w=500 h=281] Moss plays ball with Steve from Mara Kelland on Vimeo. Moss, a wire-haired fox terrier, plays ball with his master in December 2012. (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)
So it is that time again. No, not my period, the time I come here each month and tell you what I’ve been reading. Legends of Esidura: Jubilee’s Saga — i forget the author but it was a nice fantasy for kids. Benjamin Britten: A life in the 20th Century — bio of the English composer White Boots — a children’s [...]
Okay, I decided to make a garageband project on my iPad. so far so good, I create the project and do what I want to do. But then I wanted to transfer it to my Mac. this was not so easy. I sent the song to iCloud but I couldn’t find it on the computer. [...]
What is Markdown? I thought this the other day so I googled it. {http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax"This document will tell you all”.} But in brief I will tell you over the next few paragraphs. the idea is simple. Let’s write the internet as we would write emails grin Incidently I am writing this using the language. Just wanted to try [...]
This year, 213, is the centenary of the birth of the greatest composer in England since Purcell. I am talking about Benjamin Britten, that eccentric, homosexual with a liking for young boys. Many famous musicians have compared his house in his final years to a school. But Britten was far more creative than that. He [...]
Once again I am here on tumblr contemplating the world. The past few days I have been preparing for Christmas shows and playing some and it has been great fun. But this post is about books and music I have been listening to recently. In the music department I must make special mention of Stephen [...]
A view on the road heading north.
There is not much happening around here. I am going north tomorrow for a brief retreat — back Saturday. But that’s not what I came to talk about. I cameo talk about iMovie for IOS. It’s so cool. It’s so accessible. I can make a movie by myself with minimal help from somebody. Check out this effort [...]