#Ask me Anything #Scope

Hello to all my followers here on Wordpress!Tomorrow morning local time I will be doing an ask me anything scope on periscope. For those of you who don’t know Periscope is a real time live video streaming platform owned by Twitter. Tomorrow you can ask me about music, blindness and anything else you care to. [...]

A Brief Report

Well after months of absence I am pleased to say I am still here. I have 3 voluntary jobs — one is the FMU I have done it for years, the other is with RYAN [Refugee Youth Action network] and the third is the role I have held for many years on the Blind Citizens local committee. [...]

News and Travels, mostly the latter

Went to Melbourne, Australia for the weekend of the 20th May to the Monday the 23rd. Finally have time to blog about it. Melbourne is a beautiful city with lots of old buildings and Victorian architecture. Ma and me went shopping but she didn’t buy anything the whole weekend. The first day, we had lunch [...]

Reporting In

Well, a lot and not much has happened since I last posted here. Most exciting news is me and Ma are going on holiday to Melbourne, Australia, for the weekend. We shall return on Monday. We hope to shop and have fun! The weather there looks the same as here — cloudy and a little rain. In [...]

What’s Happening?

I am dressing up my Wordpress site which everybody says already looks quite stylish. Mostly I am discovering new folks to follow. In other news, I am recording songs. One of them, White Wings I have put on You Tube. I am also listening a lot to the work of Stan Rogers and hope to [...]

More Stuff

Today helped Leeanne set up a wordpress blog. Hopefully we’ll see something from her soon. There have been lots of fireworks around here. Guy Fawkes was on the 5th of this month and folks are still letting them off tonight. have been reading a lot of books. The most interesting one is called When the [...]

Selfies At Work

So I was searching for something to read the other day. Went to Whitcouls to look through their best sellers intending to buy one online but they were all old ones — Hunger Games, Harry Potter…, Tuesdays with Morrie. So I went to Audible .com and started to look for new books by my faves or ones whose [...]

News Is Depressing

Well I haven’t blogged in a while but some folks in Canada and other places are telling me they’re out and they want more. So guys, here it is! Judy Collins who is my idle says she likes my cover of her song, Big Sur which I have put as an audio-only clip on YouTube. [...]

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